Drug driving is illegal — right? Well, if we’re talking about illicit substances, absolutely. But what happens when you take perfectly legal medication as prescribed by your doctor, and then get behind the wheel?
February 5, 2025
•1 min read
Eating while driving is actually a lot more risky than many people assume. Luckily for you, we're here to explain the rules and serve up some tips.
February 5, 2025
•1 min read
Not sure what those numbers on the back of your licence are? Check out our handy guide to find out what your driving licence codes mean.
February 5, 2025
•1 min read
Parking rules can be confusing, even for experienced drivers. But they’re really important to get your head around—not so that you can correctly demonstrate your parking skills on the driving test, but also because you’ll bear responsibility for anywhere you leave a vehicle... for the rest of your life. Dramatic! Stopping in the wrong place can make things dangerous for other road users, so councils and the police disincentivise this by issuing fines Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) and Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs).
February 5, 2025
•1 min read
Imagine driving without any rules. No signposts, no traffic signals, no white lines on the roads. Nobody sure of their own rights, let alone anybody else's. Well, although most of the UK roads aren't like that, unmarked crossroads are a bit of an exception. Facing them is like trying to find treasure without a map: chaotic and little frustrating.
January 30, 2025
•1 min read
Nothing feels quite as stressful than when your driving licence is nowhere to be found. You've searched high, you've searched low, but it's just not there.
January 30, 2025
•1 min read
When smart motorways work as intended, Highways England are able to respond in real-time to traffic flow, obstacles in the road, collisions, breakdowns and other incidents. This is called active traffic management, and works using a system on cameras to detect potential or existing problems.
January 27, 2025
•1 min read
Our guide will take you through the most common driving offences using the latest statistics from the DVSA. These include everything from prosecution numbers to average fines to how many drivers were disqualified for the offence in 2018.
January 27, 2025
•1 min read
Like many other medical conditions, having diabetes can make driving that bit more of a challenge. Your condition can affect your driving in a few ways, whether through hypoglycaemic episodes or other complications. And, whether you’ve recently been diagnosed, or are just starting to think about learning to drive, you’ve probably got some questions. How can you best manage your diabetes on the roads?
January 22, 2025
•1 min read
If you’ve had a stroke, you might wonder if you’re legally allowed to drive in the UK, and if there’s anything you must do before getting behind the wheel. In this article, we’ll look at the rules and regulations around driving after a stroke, and you’ll find out exactly where you stand.
January 22, 2025
•1 min read
Depending on the offence, you may receive points—known as endorsements—on your licence. And, since the New Drivers Act of 1995 came into force, accumulating 6 points within your first 2 years of driving will cause your licence to be revoked.
January 21, 2025
•1 min read
Over a million people across the UK rely on their cars to help them live with a medical condition. But did you know there are 100+ different conditions that you might need to declare to the DVLA before getting behind the wheel? These are known as 'notifiable conditions' and the exact rules vary depending on the nature of the condition. Some will mean you can continue driving, while others could lead to you being told to surrender your licence.
January 21, 2025
•1 min read
We're going to take you through everything you could possibly need to know about the Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN)—from what it is to why you might need it to how exactly you might go about registering for one.
January 21, 2025
•1 min read
Junctions. Sooner or later (usually sooner), you’ll have to tackle them. There are T-junctions, crossroads, unmarked junctions, those with traffic lights or filters… some are easier to navigate than others, and one of the more complex types is the box junction.
January 21, 2025
•1 min read
In order to be allowed to drive, you've got to prove you're fit and able to do so. Some medical conditions are notifiable, meaning you have to let the DVLA know about them; others automatically exclude you from getting behind the wheel. Here we're going to focus on hearing.
January 21, 2025
•1 min read
There are strict eyesight rules that all drivers are required to follow. But how does sight in only one eye—monocular vision—affect your legality and ability to drive?
January 21, 2025
•1 min read
For many of us, mobile phones almost serve as an extra limb. We spend numerous hours a day scrolling, updating and chatting with the help of our trusty smartphone sidekicks. In fact, we have become so reliant on them that the anxiety when we're without our phone has got its own name — nomophobia.
January 21, 2025
•1 min read
There are still plenty of questions you may have about the points system. That's why we've set about to explain everything you need to know about penalty points.
January 17, 2025
•1 min read
What is the National Speed Limit? What speed is the National Speed Limit? How can you tell when it's in force? We answer all these, and more, in this guide.
January 17, 2025
•1 min read
Passed your driving test in an automatic car but want to drive a manual vehicle? You'll need to take a new practical driving test. Here's all you need to know...
January 17, 2025
•1 min read
Showing 20 of 60
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